English Summer Camp -Last day-

The last day of the camp, the morning was different from the one before, Kids looked little bit tired when they got up.
But soon after having breakfast, they became fine!
After breakfast, they packed their baggages and cleand up their rooms. Some group did that so nicely! We, staffs, were really impressed! One of that group was my school students’.  I’m really proud of them!

Time to Write Essays

We had the time to reflect on our camp.
They concentrated on writtng essays.


Time to Say Thank You!

Kids wrote the message on the card and hand over them to friends.
Some kids even gave me a card! I was surprised and felt really happy!
I know everyone felt really happy like me when they got the message cards!


Preaparation for the Presentation!

The main activity of the last day was “presentation”.
At the presentation, kids introduced one of the foreign staffs.
For the presentation, kids had asked many questions during the camp.
Before the presentation, they had a preparation time.


In the case they hadn’t had enough information, they asked the staff more at that time.


After preparation, they started practicing for the presentation.
All groups made the good relationship  during this time! Great!


After lunch,Finally the presentation got started!
For kids, they got nervous but at the same time maybe they were excited!

Once they had stood in front, they had no choice but to keep continuing the presentation by themselves! No one could support them!
In the case someone forgot the phrases , other member supported. It was really good time! You think so, don’t you!?


Time to Award

Everyone received the certificate of the camp completion.
In addition, some kids got the special award from foreign staffs.
Each staff chose someone subjectively. It depended on them!
Of course all kids tried hard,I know!
It was really difficult to choose someone from all af them.
Ex: -someone who tried to ask a lot to foreigner in English.
     -someone who tried more  on the point of something that each staffs felt. 



Of cource I know Everyone did their best.
On the brochure of this camp, I wrote the message to all kids as below.

*Through this camp, I want you to be confident about yourself.
Try to speak English as much as possible.
Don’t worry about making mistakes.
There’s nothing called”I can’t.”
Never think “I can’t.”
You can!

Sometimes, especially beginning of the camp, kids hesitated to speak English. But they  were getting motivated day by day.
I believe that everyone felt they could when they tried!


After the camp, some parents had already sent me the message that kids wanted to go next camp, too!
I’m very happy to hear that. Not only one student, but some parents told me that!
Yes! Let’s go to Hakuba again next summer! And for the next time, let’s try to study English more!
It is the good meaning to stydy English!

To parents, thank you for believing and trusting me! I’m really happy that I took 14 students from our school  to this camp with me. Without the reltionship of usual days, I couldn’t support kids well.
Not only kids, I also learn a lot.
Yes, I understood more that to have good relationship with kids would make everything(lerning, comnication, growing and so on) well!
Thank you for everything!




    English Summer Camp -Day2-

